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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. this is old and still alive every game survives if is exposed around. some change to new updates but some people like some older versions too related more to their generation or childhood time. Some survive because others like to play many. I like old and new ones. It is preference. I like more reloaded than to play legacy because I started in reloaded and looks better on graphics design. Now, if you put ROBOTRON 2084 in an arcade structure and you put SUPER MECH side by side and ask me to jump to play one, I will jump to Robotron because is part of my generation regardless poor graphics but the interaction with the marching controls and the challenge against thousands of enemies was and still a thrill for me. Now, I played ROBOTRON in computer like 5 years ago and is hard but when I was getting the hand and became a super duper again the game owner changed difficulty settings to max out difficulty and, in a computer, sucks to play. I like thousands of games from 1970's till now and no have to die. It is about to find the right market across generations. Sure, new generation play at computer vs my generation in an arcade center with cool friends and then have a good pizza and check the girls around not been in a computer looking the walls of my house or through the window. Sure, some use phones but it is not the same for some games. Some are created having in mind phones as base of the game so are more practical in some ways as new generation.


    that sometimes happens when the clan does have 24 members. you can PM directly to him
  3. welcome to the forum. Recommendation is to do an introduction in order the forum members know you better.
  4. get a real in need offer. do not take any for take.
  5. cool. I remember when was my first. I tried many times but always the right mech to kill me at 10 with ton of more HP. was annoying.
  6. congrats on your personal medal. also, cool video against current mechs. Will be nice if people give a pass to get it to R1 for fun


    There are some good. Hope they answer.
  8. Since 10/3/19. Kind of recent player reloaded. Just a rookie around
  9. False Next person is tired and need to sleep
  10. Did you take in consideration the player account level? I remember some stopped to grant me post some level up. Just curious.
  11. cool 1/1 with modules set. excellent.
  12. Ron, I wish I can transfer a reconning to you since I do have spare future meat. Hi Pilots How are you? I hope all goes well for you all and having some fun. Well, my kids still on vacation and in a few days will come back to home. My lady is back to home and giving me hard time already. My vacations still waiting for approval holding me back again and losing the opportunity to spend some time with the kids. Well, my vacation will be then with my lady and hope my kids' grandparents where they are staying now, will come to stay at home and taking care of them in order I can have a good vacation with her out of here. Sadly because school will start soon, I can't travel with them. About the game.... I have been too busy at work and my kids stopped to play my accounts in daily basis so my accounts pvp are low passing days without play them and grinding has been regular or very low in some days slowing the account progress, but I have no choice or my job or the game. I have enough maxed parts for now and I do not need to make more parts for now changing my direction to get focus into increase gold and make slowly level up some legend at L1 to L40 with the daily and of course takes long in that way but allow me to increase gold reserves for the future making and no drop too much current gold reserves. My gold making myth parts is to reach 250 by the end of this year and I am shy away of few transformations to reach that number having months on spare to get there slowly. Let see what was done post my last full update... My base has been idle for some time, and I consumed the power kits I had on reserves. Now the base is looking sad. The gold reserves have been increasing reaching 182 million and maybe I will increase to 200 million if not mind change. It will take few months I guess but it will be fine not having time to play the game, but I can still farm often. Maxed Parts Divined Parts I had to use some relics because I have many purple but because I do not want to spend gold for now divining some parts the amount grew and needed to use some of them. WAR/RANK-- No bad in the recent weeks. I hope to stay close like that to advance some parts not having relics for it. CHEERS
  13. cool. fun fact free TO PLAY and R1 with limitations. Sadly, I have enough to give you and complete set since I eat them time to time.
  14. In game number is found in the arrow area below picture. The account ID --Player ID is a different number Depending on issues, e-mail and those are use as reference and any reset etc is related to. You will get e-mail of transaction. During this discussion it is about an offer purchased issue. In your case it is the issue that you do not know your ID number. Not knowing ID number is harder when you lose your account. The account was created using a particular e-mail and normally will remain the same. In your case you do not remember your account. Your log in and e-mail account will give you access to your account to see your PLAYER ID. In case you forgot your password, having your log in and e-mail, it will help you to recover your acc. In the case you do not remember your old account, it is a bit harder to find out and give back because administration need to be sure if you are the real owner. Username it is not your "in-game name" neither "Player ID". Now, using your IN-GAME name plus original e-mail of the account, that question will have to be asked to administration. They maybe can help on it if you write to them. Just have in mind that both accounts will be attached to the same e-mail and if both were created in the same electronic it might create issues overwriting. If you get back account info, try to open in a different electronic before use the same one.
  15. I know now why I lose.
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