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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. actually no. I am a recent player. Many here even have less power they are way longer player than me. I am one of the players that showed up by the end of the old administration and forum. I am no longer a rookie but just a recent player. My accounts do not compare against those famous tops by miles. I just chill in this game for fun of making parts farming but poor pvp not having time for it but consistent on it. The account has never missed a day of farming so far. Sure, lately days of play but never farming. So, I can say the account have not missed a day of play since creation.
  2. 10/3/19. you can see the progress in my progress thread since 5/18/20 OKI DOKI PROGRESS LITTLE BY LITTLE OR O.D. FARM PROGRESS LITTLE BY LITTLE MY ALT
  3. Thank you very much. I appreciate. It is fun to see you here as well making fun and contributions. Keep going progressing step by step. I like to see everyone's progress to the max.
  4. nice fights there and specials effect. I
  5. nice set up. Never played like that. I hope people subscribe. As a player I will say it is a YT worthy making funny videos of this game. C'mon and join if you have YT or google accounts around. Just click and presto and chat-post with this funny guy as you like. Give him some love with a like.
  6. Yep. OKI DOKI reached the milestone of 250 MYTHICAL parts.
  7. Savagery when is Level 50 Divining parts require to max out the part to MYTH level 50. As they mentioned, in the case for Savagery it is an item based on epic as starting point and by default epic relics are the requirement. In contrast let say HOT FLASH weapon at Mythical level 50 it does require blue "rare" relics You need to be careful divining parts. Due to collect relics for transformation it is not easy, you need to think properly how to use them in the long run. In your example provided, you mention to divine the physical leg for testing. Don't do such thing. Do not test and ensure with the community tp help you out what will be worthy to divine for long run. Also, look the cost divining a part. You need to be ready with gold reserves that won't hurt you according your pvp and farming habits between others.
  8. Hi Pilots How are you? I hope all is going well for all of you with a lot of love around. In my case my lady is back with me, and my kids also are back in home post a long vacation trip with their grandparents. My lady since last week has been driving me crazy like she was holding all her drama accumulated for a month away from home and released on me plus my kids missing me wants to spend the time with me, but I have been loaded of work unable to spend the time with them. They are next to me right now watching me writing here. They know well I love them, and I really missed them since they left. They are now getting ready for school, and I was doing some shopping today with them. Yes, they behaved well and no drama because I choose to go alone with them without my lady. All was much easier. They are laughing now for my comment. Anyway, they are back at home, and I am happy to have them close to me. About the game... Hmm, workload has been heavier, and this week was terrible. I was hoping to play every day since my kids are not playing the accounts now but sadly, I barely touched and passed days without a pvp or daily's. I missed a lot of farming, and the progress went down to hell. No choices between work or play. It has been a while since last update for O.D but had no time to go for it or desire to write been tired at the moment wanted to do it. Let see what is going on. Hmm, I lose the sense of what was going on in this account. I am just reading from my last update. Ah, ok. So... I had the goal to increase the gold reserve to 180millions and I was able to achieve that. I was changing the gold stash baseline from 170millions to 180millions holding back crafting so the account gold reserve can move forward and slowly increase parts levels with daily rewards. I utilized the power kits I had on reserves. I think I will be doing the same as in my OKI DOKI account and maybe I will push to get into 200 million plus in gold reserve and maybe I think I will stop to increase the baseline and keep it steady on 200 million for very long and stay around that number in a permanent way due to I still need to max tons of weapons and will take long and if I keep changing the baseline, will takes longer even I do not need extra weapons for now for any rank. I was starting to test pvp for higher ground because it has been too long not playing serious for any rank and even, I am not really ranking, I want to practice a bit at top R5-R2 time to time and re-learn how to play against real tops players around. I am weak player because I do not care about play serious, so I need some practice. It will be limited because my workload increased ten-fold and at some point, I will have to go away from the game and hand over the accounts to my kids to play when they want to have the desire to play or stay idle doing nothing wasted. Sure, I might be doing some farm time to time but not playing. In mean time, I will try to enhance the account till I call it goodbye. The BASE has been idle before last post trying to increase reserves and to enhance parts around in a limited way. Gold reserve increased to 184 million and is looking ok. It will take a month to push forward to get 200+ in gold reserve and I am fine with the results so far in a limited condition. I really do not remember about the account because I was not focused or collected enough info as I normally do in a weekly base. Maxed Parts Transformed Parts- Hard to make legends parts from epics for transformation. Divined Parts- Forced to divine few parts due to epic relic accumulation. WAR/RANK- I think I am missing some. Not sure. One gold relic, pathetic. CHEERS Have fun in the last summertime days before school. Welcome back to school.
  9. In the current game environment, Molten Platinum Vest is the common top tier torso desirable to play with top players but that does not mean it is the only one according mechs configurations. Been a premium part, sometimes is hard to get in the free and buying premium packs. It is just luck. You can use the energy version and change modules in an inverse way and can still work for heat mech. Nightmare torso as you mention having one in epic status, it is also a torso considered maybe superior to Vest or equal and the advantage for that one is that you can get the torso in common and rare status and can be maxed to divine, and it is a torso that top players use too. The torso can be use on any rank and will get you to R1. You can use Windigo and normally come in the epic version. Sometimes it is easy to get but sometimes not. It took me time to get one for first time. It is an overall torso that you can use for the 3 types of mechs. You can use as phys, heat or energy. It does work great and can be use on top and is very common to have the torso to R3 but also can get R1. Fractured Heat Armor "Heat Monkey" it is a premium part and sometimes hard to get even with premium. It gives you high HP but does not possess resistance. When lower rank players use this, it does help to rank up fast to R10-R7 not having accounts developed in the arena area or having modules to add for resistance. When they get platinum plates, they have the tendency to increase passing 3200 HP at low ranks, but they can be killed at higher ranks because not defense. To use the torso, need a good account developed and resist torso if not a phys mech will slice the mech fast with nightfall, spartan etc but can get you to R7 to collect box fast and improve on gold collection faster. It was till a year ago maybe the second-best torso apart of the energy version. Zarkares was a great torso till last year torsos like VEST and others where enhanced. Now it is harder to use this one on top but can get you to R3. If nothing else and you do not like nightmare, you can use this one but it is less superior and won't be the best to get to R1 so you can lose gold investment on it but yes can be an option for middle ground to R5 will say. There are other options but normally the players talk about those. What do you have to understand is that any torso depending on parts set up, can take you to higher ground if are torsos that can reach divine status. If you want help, provide your account full inventory and the community might help. Sometimes they are funny on comments, but they can help
  10. Hi jole The community is helpful when the players have time to help. In order they can help you out, the basic it is to provide information of your account inventory with some screen captures. Show to the community your entire account and they will be able to give you some basic direction according that inventory. That does not mean it will be your type of mech of preference but what will be best in the short or long run for your progress then later you can make future changes for desire mechs etc. as the account increase inventory and power.
  11. Do not know. Owner change offers and schedules to not be know.
  12. Hmm, very simple. I work and save money. Generally speaking, I am not a spender. I am a person that save and invest old returns not losing my shorts. Now, this is a petty cash of recognitions for my hard work by people. I work on different things, and I get some compliments of some dollars here and there and I preserve that money for my personal fun. The rest of my money apart of investments and savings etc, only have an owner, my lady. I make the money and she spend the money and better I do not raise the voice or will sleep with the dog. This is my money . Her money Also, I do not spend that much. is limited. I have over 90k between both acc or something like that
  13. Hi guys. Some people still asking me about why I do not play for ranks. It is very simple; I started this game to please a family few members, but I was not into the game. I knew it was around but never played been a MECHWARRIOR player since first release. I used to play others and by the time it was requested MECHWARRIOR was in play with my old friends of many years. I stopped to play MW to give a break and to then play this one to please the family but work and other stuff it really makes difficult to play seriously and that was starting to happen in MW as well. My focus in these games just to please family it was to make some accounts farming and push for some basic rank5 then slow down and hand over the accounts to them and move back to MW in an intermittent base. In other words, I am not a competitive person in this game. This is a chill out place just to click without have to think get kill or kill. I still do the same, but in the sideline, I am focus just into farm to make parts and to test in different ways when I have the mood for it. Why I spent money here? It is a game and chill place as simple as that. I do not have to pay or play but I just do have family who still play their accounts and recently a bit my own accounts. Do I like the game? I like the game and it is a good game for kids and adults. Sure, I like others better but for now I am around till it is impossible for me as it has been recently. I do not know for how long I will be around but at some point, I will be gone, and my kids will own the acc. So, in mean time I play to advance the account in an easy way slowly not having time for pvp time. I was playing already at very low rank for test undeveloped mechs and rarely touched a few plays to get R3 box then go down again. I played for some months early last year to see if I was able to play against the real top players of this game and achieved full rank stars in all seasons with different style of mechs. To me it is good enough of achievement and then went down back to low ranks test not having time for focus rank plus achievement were without divined weapons, so I called good and hanged the gloves. I reached an AP of 271 before I lower rank to help the clan. That was cool and that is it. Now, I barely play and just farm and also, I am low on farming now. Missing raids or some tickets collection due to workload etc. I lose my edge to play against tops, so I am like a baby without dippers against them. I decided to play 1 or 2 seasons just a basic R3 few days to learn a bit the game against those powerful entities around whom really like to whack me for their fun. Ok OK, I do not care to lose but what I do not like is the game giving low output making this boring. Sure, it is normal to that happen, but it is heavier in my acc and sometimes makes things interesting as challenge. So, for those asking why I do not play rank, the answer is that I do not have time, it is not my thing in this game and not interested. I play as I like in the moment win/lose/test if not I get bored plus I am very sleepy to play at home with my long working hours, so focus is never there. My kids have been playing my accounts close to 6 months and I touched few rounds very rare. Now I have to play the acc because my kids do not play them now and I play just few passing days between plays due to work. I won't be ranking for now, but I will be just on and off-season test for R5-R2 then go down just to play few rounds against real tops. Sure, my accounts will stay under continuous progress as always been but slower. So, right now I am testing my 2 accounts not for R1 but to achieve R2 relearning. If you want rank, so this is me now. I won't push higher but will have some fun a bit re-learning how to fight a bit this season 5 wins playing to risk and lose to know mechs arounds. Do not worry, I do not bite. I do not have teethes at this point. HAVE FUN AND PLAY SUPER MECHS
  14. no idea. Owner won't tell as wants things by surprise.
  15. Nope but just a tiny part. If you want to know you can ask and I will answer about my younger days if you want to know in reality yeah, super humanoid
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