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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. nice updates. excellent account. need just few QC
  2. Well, if you are asking for gold relics, hmm... sadly I can't. Do you know how many real weapons in OKI I do have divined "premiums"? Only a Mercy and Selfish and last moth 4 drones. In total 6 weapons premiums no even one mech in full. In O.D FARM, I do have only the recent 4 drones as OKI. Not even another premium weapon divined. Sad history. Sure, some torsos and yes, the new modules for 3 basic set completed.
  3. I can max this, but I am saving the gold faster. I do not want to lower the gold except when I reach 205 million to max parts then increase and then make power kits 2.3million 400 of them to meat them. wow, that last file dang. I do not have room to make that.
  4. holy guacamole. Yes, you use power kits to add parts. In my case power kits do not have much function except to meat them because I level up parts one after another constantly using mix parts all the time. I have never level up a power kit so far int the game. Unbelievable but true. When I do what I am doing now, not doing power kits to max parts faster having some gold around, I let the mix boxes accumulate till 800 and consume some to keep away the 820-850 warnings of maxing out and use daily to work in a part or several parts to make L40 or L50 slowly or make L30 to generate legends for meat.
  5. Do you mean rank, war, fortune box, premiums? I mean, regular opens of every 10 and farmed fortune, every offer, etc? Hmm, it is not bad in the sense of understanding the game. I normally post all my ranks and war in my threads as record. Very rare fortune boxes grants unless it is a good one in need and no premiums generally speaking. I have some premiums saved pictures dating way back since I do not open normally only save them. I guess those premium boxes that the game give during the months. Wow, so many accounts. One random per account? Just kidding. Few years pictures both accounts. Sadly, my other file had all the fortune boxes good and bad was deleted by mistake a while ago together for the first time I opened 60 premiums and spent 12k clan coins on OKI and few portals. I normally save them and play with what was open and grant on portals and fortune boxes. Very rare to open an offer. not included like 12 offers because were in the same file deleted by mistake just getting the item as fortress but premiums not opened.
  6. Hi Shorty welcome back. It has been a while. Haha, trying in this game it is not easy to make parts. It is a pain to farm and do pvp. Trust me on that. I joined back on 5/2020 and you had different avatar. Yup, so many left or started and in a week, they stopped to use the forum. Some last few months and got tired of it and the game. Sad losses. Lots of contributors on those days about many things. Even the game was in despair in some ways, I think that some few peoples making no sense comments about the game it affected in some ways from the old generation and trigger some cascading effect. When I started it was vibrant in the way I knew starting of course older players had different vision. For me was new game and still a good game even it is not my style, but it is a good and I can recommend the game to family. It is better to avoid comments that just create bad taste against the game. Every game or job or family, does need some fixing knowing that nothing is perfect. Looks the way to enjoy for fun. Been focus on others and what they do in their play ways it is not our personal play ways. It is belonged to them so is best to get focus in what do you like and enjoy of it at your personal speed of enjoyment. There still many players here connecting time to time. Many of them you can see them daily and others check side lines but they still reading in the shadows, so you know them too in some ways. About forum changes, still the same but it is about adaptation like when I started the previous one but lasted months on use been a newbie in the game and late join. About the game changes, well... it was more about to fix some basics previous issues and few ongoing. About changes like adding items has been paralyzed. Few new stuffs like limited portal with gold relics, or extra gold or more tokens are decent but limited. Portals are not often as used to be, and I think it should be often at the same rate during TS regardless the recent changes. Few enhancements to parts as nerf/buff things needed were done. What I can see is that the people who paid to be on top, is losing some ground against free because no new parts so the game it is in favor for free to play to catching up getting in top tiers been the new commers top players apart of the old one. Older players slowed down and competition slowed too. There is no longer that basic rivalry I used to see "kill them all" thing and now merrier. Well, I like everyone, so I am guilty of charge. I hope you like to get your glove back and play not thinking on what the others have but instead to have fun step by step progressing in the way you can enjoy. Happy to see you back. Sorry for the late response. I have been really busy at work with less interaction, but I try to be around in some ways.
  7. Yup. Now my O.D. FARM acc, OKI's little brother, reached 190 million. Next goal is 205 million following his older brother and start to craft some power kits. Will takes weeks to get there but will get it.
  8. 5/10 survival mode lower ranks Any rank depending on my mood and time to play
  9. yeah, reason I was not seen you for a while. glad you are back. even so. amazing progress with the time off. for me it is a bit slow in the sense of lacking on pvp to generate good gold. nice. I would like to give you some. I have spares for food. I had some like that and no more remedy to food them time to time. nice stash
  10. Nice one. Reason why you kill me You play longer than me.
  11. Not sure. I have been increasing step by step for 1.5 years. I was running always low making parts as fast I was able to do farming with pvp limited. I stabilize for a while a bandwidth changing the Target by 10 million at the time and stay there for a while then change later when I get bored of making parts and start to increase a bit more without using base for crafting and using just daily and a bit extra of farmed gold in a consistent way as best I can. I can have a lot more, but I can't pvp much and I want to do it, but I can't because been a part maker for fun the gold is goal. I think I will stay in 200 million for now maybe till end of the year and increasing that mean above 200 to craft or to divine. Due to the cost to craft power kit is around 2.3 million per 400 units plus need to max costing more gold, I think it is good enough fun reserve and will then start to max other parts. I already reached OKI DOKI goal of 250 parts for this year ahead of my expectations even with lower farming and pvp. In mean time I keep using a balanced mix boxes farmed daily to enhance a bit part without affecting gold increase. Parts that I will max are encircled but for sure some of those will get max too later on. No rush. I do not need the parts just making them for collection fun. Maybe the MAGMA will be use in the future. Do not know in reality. I change by mood as I do play this game. What a waste of account.
  12. cool. my nephew I think plays this game time to time.
  13. welcome back. Time to kill again.
  14. OKI DOKI


    La BASE se desactiva atravez de pedidos a la administracion. En el foro arriba, vete a la parte de informacion y busca las opsiones y una de ellas es para pedir desactivacion. La activacion se supone que sea permanente disenado originalmente con ese proposito pero el nuevo administrador dijo que ayudara a desactivarlas si son pedidas. Se desactivaron muchas pero ahora parace que el proceso es mas lento o no interesado en desactivarlas. Tienes que pedirlo una sola vez y receientemente se tardara no se cuanto pero se tarda. Tambien para que sepas, el foro es usado en el formato de Ingles debido que es mas commun que las personas de otros paises se puedan comunicar mas facil o trata de usar un interpretador digital y despues de convertir lo anades.
  15. OKI at 190 million. Next stage 205 million and start to craft power kits. Will take some more weeks but is moving forward. Haha. Is cool to follow you and forum members plus read about them when I have the chance. Also is fun they can have followers. My pleasure. I am guilty of charge.
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