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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. goat can be any mech set up allowed in the competition for goat perk.
  2. open a new account and reach account level 250 in 7 months to surpass me. I dare you? Make 100 myth in a year. Kill OKI current testing line up at R7 and say, "in your face loser".
  3. It has been a long journey back to 2/21 when I decided to reduce mass part creation and start to balance to create parts in a slower way and increase gold reserves. I was always with low gold reserves and with so many parts to level up I needed to look for that gold build up. It has been a challenge for sure with limited time to play pvp. Finally, after so much hard work farming, I was able to reach 200million mark and at the same time to get over 250 parts on myth status. My next goal is to finish to get into 205 million and start to use some gold to craft power kits or to divine few parts and that it is expensive. My intention is to stay in the 200 marks for long time because I consider it is good enough gold for anything I will need for now on. I will be increasing gold for such larger events like divining and crafting keeping the reserve at 200 or above. It is cool to achieve that making parts at the same time in this short time as player.
  4. nice fights. cool legacy mech, so so drops, funny song "don't drink the Kool-Aid" Welcome back to YT
  5. I know Nekomata. Neko. Japanese word for cat. Cat in Spanish is gato. Mata Spanish word in English is "kill" So.... "GatoMata". So the cat killed me with those.
  6. 78? Hmm, he is in a good shape
  7. it is funny. I never made a second neither my niece, but my original was frantic user. Behold and mesmerize
  8. when the lock stops on common is just common. Normally gives 2-3. In the case when stops on rare like this time for me, gives 2-3 cards but normally are 2. It is not usual to get epics but happens time to time and between tons of opens then I get a legend. In several times I decided to farm a lot using tokens just for test I got not legends and the amount of no mix box grant it is very heavy losing opportunity to get more parts in OD6. The one I posted is one of those that the game gives every 10 passing days to get it. Some accounts are luckier.
  9. well, I just got this one from F.B. Sometimes just common.
  10. like I said, same device with program downloaded you can end overwriting your original account. The possibility it is almost 100% regardless different e-mail. I mean, if you have one computer opening two is bad idea.
  11. I think people use different when are using some in google, facebook or else but are different accounts. Those are different e-mails if not wrong, but the experts can tell you better. In my case, I do have different accounts. I open one then when finish I close, and I open the other or can use one in different computer or phone just for say. if you try creating a new account in the same device, where do you have an existing account even you close that, there is a possibility to overwrite your original account losing all. If you want a new account, is best to create the account in different device with different e-mail for security and avoid possibilities to lose one. After creating properly, the other account, you can use it closing one and opening the other. Having multiple windows of the same account, it is illegal, and cheaters has been a problem and the company is active checking that. Don't get into trouble. Also, it is not normal to have more than one and is not proper for company basics
  12. Hmm, the fact of the video is obvious. Warnings were set and were ignored. I know that for fact because I normally have high mix boxes accumulated. The warning normally starts at 850. About Marija to be fired, it is not her fault, so it is wrong to make that kind of statement since in principle you are responsible for ignoring the warnings. In the other side of the coin, having video showing the wrong transaction for been negligent, I think that GATO should give tokens return. Now, many people will ignore or has been ignoring and the company cannot be attending every mistake that players do. That is not fair for them. That it is time consuming for other agendas to work on. Sure, I will say regardless are free or purchase, helping the guy should be fine having that video on place. As Marija comment, it is awkward situation to deal with and can be the choice of the company to help or to set example to the rest to no go in that direction. GATO does have the reason but also with evidence of his mistake can help if wish for but not necessarily have to. It is about the will to accept the wrongdoing and the will to help if wish for. In a court, GATO will prevail. In my case if I was able to help as business owner, I would on basics and evidence. That does not mean GATO is bad and cannot be taken in that way at all.
  13. I think it is fine to add. Nothing to do with flex so people flex their best there. Here can add for study and talk about acc progress plus investment in the BASE and real results. I will create an independent file for fortune boxes game grant every 10 and premium box of those monthly grants, portals, rank, war, packs or else. I will summit time to time when I have some available and can capture all of them in one shot. Hmm, maybe monthly, I think.
  14. that is my destiny every time. I am such a common guy reason I do not farm for them
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