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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Androphonia

  1. hmm, oh I don't know, physical mechs are so op, they aren't dominating the arena rn, let's get something to "turn the tables" a bit for energy and heat mechs, no no phys mechs suck rn shields would put them on par with the other types #HowAboutNo
  2. but then saying that a mech is meta isnt gramatically correct
  3. The lazy falcons need more of an edge to get over the massive backfire cost
  4. We should buff the stats and make it an even better rich man archimonde like stretch the cap and coolings/regens so much that it becomes viable archi needs a buff
  5. The meta hasn't changed much, but now the 2nd one is better then the 1st kek
  6. why is this in rants and raves
  7. use backbreaker it has a much higher rng chance, I find, then mercy does
  8. Telling radela that the perfect ratio is 5/3 might not bode too well when you enter 700 energy cap into the equation but otherwise, hot flash shouldn't be buffed. Everything used in top ranks is has a slight edge over everything else for a reason, and by nerfing hot flash, you would basically put it out of competition (although you could argue that its already out of the competition and was replaced by hybrid cannons ages ago)
  9. I think that we should nerf the weight a bit, but also nerf it to the point where it its more like the comparisom from hysteria to malice and less like 2 completely different weapon tiers
  10. what does meta stand for, most excellent titan armory?
  11. It seems that you've predicted the future, because windigo is now the best f2p torso. Whats my lucky number
  12. 4k hp mechs have suddendly become viable I still remember the days when having more than 3.5k for dual desos was frowned on... the new items have changed the meta a lot. Dual spartan used to be really good lol
  13. Torso, weapons, legs, drones, modules Also why do you always say M.E.T.A instead of meta
  14. Cheat, what do you think it is (has the raid skipping day bug been fixed yet)
  15. basically hacking and exploiting glitches right
  16. Weren't they buffed every so slightly I don't think its going to make THAT much of a difference but hey at least its a change
  17. The new forum is ok Personally I think that not everything has to be in its own box tho
  18. 6. I almost never see anyone use party crasher so I think it'd be a good idea to start with it.
  19. PC version be like: Guaranteed fun! Very unfair drop rates, causes lots of lag, who wouldn't want it? In fact, the one five star review we have said that it was amazing! Very fun! That they hadn't seen a better game in their entire life! Doesn't that sound wonderful... (yes this is a joke)
  20. I still think nightmare needs to be buffed more. Technically sith is a bit better than nightmare, and in history energy and heat counterparts have always had extremely similar stats, so why not increase nightmare's hp by 11 to match up with the new sith buff? its not like this buff is particularily useful but why not
  21. At least anguish is a bit more useful then it was a few days ago lol
  22. you get banned for using lucky patcher ts was too lazy to fix the hacking, so gato came in and said "lights out" on the shameless hacking community
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