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ScarletKnight's Achievements

  1. Ok, I'll grind Overlord's Den Normal
  2. I've reached the point in 1v1 Campaign where I just can't win missions. I've gotten to the middle of Lost Valley Insane. I've started Danger Zone Hard. I've finished Overlord's Den Normal. Here is my mech. Do I grind the 1v1 mission that gives the most Gold and Exp or do I make a second mech and start the 2v2 Campaign?
  3. About that... I got some lucky grabs. Oh, Ig so. I just thought you were talking about top and side weapons. The picture is for the first reply Are the modules good? @GoldenTX@BestFriend Of course I will be trying to break out of the rare/epic cap but that will come in time
  4. I'll be back once I have Last Words or Torment I already got Last Words lol
  5. Refer to the screenshot for this post. I've noticed that I sometimes have a medal and sometimes my rank is 25. Why does this happen?
  6. I mentioned Hysteria. With Malice, Viking Hammer, and Hot Flash, it would give me range of almost the whole area whilst not having turn limits.
  7. I have Unreliable Protector but I don't like the backfire. As for replacing the Viking Hammer, it stops my opponent from regenerating their low regen. I'll remove the Resistance Modules as I end up needing weight space. I'll remove Faithful Steel. For Energy Top Weapons, I should take whatever I can get right now.
  8. Can y'all help me improve this Energy Mech of mine? I'm not asking for Metas, just help improving it. I believe this Torso and these Legs are good. Maybe replace the top right? I'm looking for two Hysterias but need enough weight space. Most of the issues are probably here.
  9. One of my issues is I don't save up for deals. I buy premium packs.
  10. Can someone please explain how I'm supposed to get 4 legendary pieces???
  11. I wish I had $50 rn. At least I got my old account back, even if it doesn't have much.
  12. Alright, I saw some people getting hundreds of tokens on raids.
  13. What is an efficient method to grind tokens? I want to be prepared for when an offer comes around.
  14. I bought a premium pack instead of waiting for an offer. Should I restart?
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